My arrival in Xian involves one of the craziest flights of my life! While terrifying, the story is even more hilarious. Extreme turbulence causes the older man beside me to practice Tai Chi as the flight attendants continually scream at passengers. As you can imagine, I am glad to land safely.
Our tour guide for the next 2 days picks us up at the airport and takes us to the hotel. Staying at the beautiful Hilton Xian is a wonderful choice. While there is no club level, the hotel is really nice.
Getting Started
Day 1 in Xian begins bright and early with our tour guide and driver picking us up just after breakfast. We drive straight to see the Terracotta Soldiers. Wow, this wonderful site is much larger than I ever imagined that it would be. The scientist believe that they have only discovered a fraction of the artifacts that are still buried. While at the site you will discover plenty of souvenirs and restaurants. The Terracotta Soldiers deserve to be seen so I will not attempt to describe them, just look below…

Terracotta Soldiers being discovered

Excavation of Terracotta Soldiers

Karen at Terracotta Soldiers

Closer view of Terracotta Soldiers

Group of Terracotta Soldiers
The Afternoon
Huaquing Palace and The Ancient City Wall are beautiful and easy to tour. The wall is is large and wide enough to ride a bicycle while on top.

Bell on Ancient City Wall

Top of the Ancient City wall
Dinner Theater
Tonight, we eat dinner at the Tang Dynasty Music and Dance Show. The food is pretty basic and tastes fair, but the show is definitely worth seeing!

Musicians at Dinner Show

Dance Show
The Next Day
Daien Temple, The Muslim Quarter, and The Drum and Bell Tower are great! The Chinese character education and demonstration in the art gallery are awesome. The handmade souvenirs are beautiful and well worth your time.

External view of Pagoda

Inside Pagoda

Statues in Pagoda
Putting a bow on Xian
In conclusion, Xian is quite a surprising place to visit and explore. The city is really beautiful and is full of history. When you visit China, Xian is not to be missed!!!
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