Athens, Greece
We have been to Athens multiple times over the past ten years or so. While the country may have gone through some severe economic woes, Greece and Athens remain one of our favorite places to visit. When we visit any city for the first time, we book a day or two on the Hop On Hop Off bus (HOHO). Generally, we ride the complete route once without getting off to become familiar with the primary attractions and historical sites while getting a preliminary view and lay of the land. We find HOHO buses informative and a cheap way to be transported around the city. It is especially useful if your accommodations are within walking distance of one of the stops.
Along with the depth of culture and history, we have discovered a few unique things about Athens. You will notice that there are numerous stray dogs throughout the city and at the historical sites. The dogs are really calm and very used to being around humans. They seem to spend most of their time lying in the shade to avoid the oppressive heat. We have also noted that the citizens of Athens don’t get up early, at least not in the areas that we have visited. Below is a picture of Karen one morning as we walked the streets of Athens.

Food and Shopping
Athens is full of great cafes and restaurants. Whatever and wherever you choose to eat, be sure to order a Fix beer (Karen’s Favorite) or local Greek wine to go with it. We have found the shopping in Athens to be really good. While there are a lot of American stores, the local stores have a great selection at more reasonable prices and you will be supporting the local economy.
The Agora
We love visiting the Roman Agora. It is an ancient shopping area. The Agora was constructed and utilized during the reigns of Cesar and Augustus. The ruins are well preserved and easy to navigate on foot. I should mention here that the ruins and historical sites can be slippery at times.. Be sure to wear sturdy flat shoes. Your shoes will get dirty!

Acropolis – Getting There
We suggest making the Acropolis your first stop of the day!!! There are a couple good reasons to do so. First of all, this is the most popular site in Athens. The number of people visiting rises drastically throughout the day! Second, the heat… it get really hot up at the Acropolis and there is NO shade anywhere. You can hike up to the Acropolis from the Agora. This route is much less crowded, but somewhat more rocky than the main route. You will approach the Propylaia, entrance to the Acropolis first. You will see the Odeum of Herodes, the ampitheater, from above as you hike to the top and it is in incredible condition.

Acropolis – Once You Are There
On route to and while touring the actual Acropolis, you will find signs and pictures explaining the things that you are seeing. The excavation and reconstruction of these sites is ongoing and will continue for quite some time. Another of our favorite features of the Acropolis is the Erechtheion which you can see below.

The olive tree to the left is more than 2000 years old!!!
The Athens Museum
Additionally, you should also see the ruins at Olympicion and a visit to the Athens Museum is a must! The museum has glass walkways over an active excavation of ancient ruins.
Changing Of The Guard
A highlight during each of our trips to Athens has been watching the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The guards wear traditional Greek attire and stand motionless for an hour. At the top of every hour hour, the soldiers pay their respects with a traditional display and changing of the guard. The manner in which they march and move also serves to effectively restore normal blood circulation to the soldier who has just stood post.
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