Welcome to our site!
Welcome to our blog! We are Karen & Corey and have been traveling the world together since 2005. With more than 25 countries under our belts we plan to experience multitudes more.
Seeing new places and experiencing new things is our motivation and we enjoy sharing those experiences with others. We look forward to showing you the world through our eyes. Travel for real people is our focus. As much as we would LOVE to be nomads, we have jobs and children. Therefore, we must make the most out of our opportunities to travel.
We hope that our travel tips, reviews, and experiences can assist you in doing the same! Utilizing local travel companies, merchants, businesses, and restaurants when visiting new locations is important to us, In most instances, we participate in small group tours to explore both the well known tourist destinations as well as local sights. We believe that the time to see the world is NOW! Don’t wait until you are retired, have more money, or have more time… Get Out and Travel!!!